Thursday, February 23, 2017

dandruff problem and ways of get rid of this

Sometimes you feel boring when you have to keep your hands to head many times . This is for your culprit DANDRUFF. Many people face this problem and want to get rid of this problem. We try our level best to remove dandruff. If you are one of them, follow our instructions.
Reasons for Dandraff:

there are many reasons for why dandruff is occurred. If you want to know more about the reasons of dandruff go.


It is very irritating we see that our skin become oily. we try our level best to control this . But without some specific cares it becomes impossible to control it . There are some ways by which we can control it .
  • cleansing our face 3-5 times a day.
  • use the cream which is for oil skin.
  • use foaming and gel-based cleansers
  • drink moderate water.
  • remember” early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
  • go outside with an umbrella in time of sunny day.
  • before going to bed and after waking up from bed cleanse your face.
  • eat fresh fruits
  • avoid smoking , alcohol.
  • avoid to eat junk foods.